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I played violin, guitar, and was in a band for several years. That's where my fascination for sounds and frequencies began. I started researching how sound effects us and is intertwined in this multi dimensional reality. I slowly bought bowls and observed the responses and effects each one had on myself and others. One day DJ Thrill recorded me playing them and we measured the frequencies each bowl single out of the wavelength. Researched what they correlated to and went down the rabbit hole: Cymantics, Sacred Geometry, Sound Healing, Energy Therapy.
These sessions are journies to wherever you find yourself drifting in and out of. Maybe the depths of your subconscious or a nap you didn't know you needed. Let the frequency of their song surround and permeate your conscious, that wavelength helps us to rise above and for healing to begin.
These sessions are 90min
Sound Experience
$200/ Session 90min
$500/ 4 Sessions 90min
I recommend at least 5 minutes a day. Here's 2. Close your eyes and let your breath guide you. When it's over, let the silence settle, when you're ready, open your eyes.
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